11 Reasons to Do your Quote Sheets with Online Tools

Running an asphalt business means juggling countless details, so it’s easy to drop the ball here and there. But if that’s happening more often than not, you’re in danger of going into the “sloppy zone” reserved for the black-top cowboys. And if that lack of precision leaks into your quote sheets, boy, you’re about to lose some business.

The bottom line is that getting your quote sheets right is crucial. Your quote sheet is more than just numbers on a page — it’s your promise of quality, your first impression, and your ticket to winning jobs. But if you're still stuck in the old-school ways of doing quotes by hand, in Word, or Google Docs, you might be making things harder than they need to be.

These traditional methods can slow you down, encourage sloppy errors, and they straight up just don’t look as professional. Learn how switching to online tools for your quote sheets can positively impact your business in this article.

The Drawbacks of Traditional Methods for Quote Sheets

Running an asphalt business is no easy feat. With so much to manage, the last thing you need is an unreliable process. To this day, a lot of contractors still use old methods like manual quote sheets, Word documents, or Google Docs.

While these methods get the job done, they also come with problems that could cost you time, money, and, worst of all, clients. Let’s break down the biggest downsides of these traditional methods:

Manual Quote Sheets

Creating quotes by hand might seem easy enough, but in reality, it can be a bomb waiting to explode. Here’s why:

  • Time-Consuming: Manually writing out each quote eats up valuable time you could be spending on actual work or growing your business.
  • Error-Prone: Despite what you tell your crew, you’re only human, and human error is inevitable. A misplaced decimal or forgotten detail can lead to costly mistakes.
  • Lack of Consistency: Handwritten quotes can vary in format and detail, leading to confusion and a far less professional appearance.

Using Word or Google Docs

Switching to Word or Google Docs might seem better than doing it by hand, but it’s not much of an improvement. These tools aren't made for contractors, and here’s why:

  • Manual Data Entry: You still have to enter all the data manually, which takes time and is prone to errors.
  • Formatting Issues: Keeping each quote sheet looking professional can take time. Without proper formatting, your document will end up looking messy and unprofessional.
  • No Integration: These documents rarely work with other tools like your CRM, project management software, which ends up needing more manual work to keep everything in sync.
  • Inefficient Calculations: Calculations for materials, labor, and costs have to be done manually or with basic functions, increasing the risk of errors and time spent.

The Professionalism Gap

Clients expect clear, accurate, and well-presented quotes, and oftentimes,using traditional methods can make your business look less professional. Handwritten notes or clunky documents simply don’t cut it in this highly competitive market.

So, what’s the alternative? Enter AK DASH, the online tool that can streamline your quoting process and elevate your business to new heights.

Why Online Quote Sheet Tools Like AK DASH Are Superior


Moving away from traditional methods can seem a bit daunting, but the benefits of using online tools like AK DASH for your quote sheets are undeniable.

AK DASH’s Proposal Generator Engine is a powerful tool designed specifically for asphalt contractors. It lets you create professional, customized proposals and quote sheets quickly and efficiently, automating many of the tasks that would normally take up your time and increase the risk of errors.

But the Proposal Generator Engine is just one part of the wider AK DASH ecosystem. This comprehensive suite of tools is built to help asphalt contractors overcome the hurdles to operational excellence and financial success. From lead generation to project management and financial tracking, AK DASH provides everything you need to streamline your business and boost your bottom line.

For now though, let’s get back to quote sheets, and dive into why making the switch to AK DASH’s Proposal Generator Engine is not just smart, but crucial for taking your asphalt business to the next level.

1. Time-Saving and Efficient

In the world of asphalt contractors or any business for that matter, that time is money. Online tools like AK Dash are designed to help you save both.

  • Automated Templates: AK DASH has templates that are ready for use and customization in a matter of minutes. Don’t waste your time creating every quote from scratch.
  • Fast Quote Generation: Making a quote has never been easier because everything is automated. In seconds, you can come up with an elegant professional quote while searching for a pen you cannot find in no time at all.

2. Accurate and Consistent

Mistakes can cost BIG, and consistency is the key to maintaining a professional image.

  • Error Reduction: Automated computations eliminate the risk of misplaced decimals or forgotten line items, ensuring everything is accurate and error-free.
  • Uniform Templates: Pre-built templates guarantee that every quote you send out has a consistent look, enhancing your professional appearance and streamlining your quoting process.

3. Professionalism

First impressions matter. A presentable and professional quote will also differentiate you from the rest.

  • Customizable Branding: AK DASH allows you to add your logo, change colors, and choose fonts to match your branding. This way, every quote strengthens your business identity.
  • Detailed, Clear Layouts: Provide clients with detailed breakdowns in easy-to-read formatting.

4. User-Friendly Interface

AK DASH is built by contractors for contractors, making it a breeze to work with.

  • Easy Navigation: Designed to be user-friendly, there’s no need for a tech degree to get it up and running.
  • Tailored for Contractors: From project scopes to measuring tools, all features are geared toward helping asphalt contractors succeed.

5. Advanced Customizations

Flexibility is crucial, and AK DASH provides plenty of it.

  • Flexible Templates: You can easily adjust fields and sections to tailor each quote for a specific job, making sure that all the necessary details are covered.
  • Custom Fields: Add custom fields for any unique requirements to guarantee that nothing is left out.

6. Square Footage with a Click

Forget rolling out the tape measure for every job.

  • AK DASH is integrated with Google Earth, so you can just zoom in on the map and click around the chosen area on the HD satellite image.
  • Our magic takes care of the rest, spitting out the square footage instantly. This is a game-changer!

7. Automation and Efficiency

Streamline your entire process with smart automation.

  • Automatic Calculations: Let the software handle all the math, from material costs to labor rates, ensuring everything is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Real-Time Updates: Get instant updates on quotes and approvals, so you’re always in the loop.

8. Enhanced Client Communication

Good communication can make or break a deal.

  • Professional Proposals: Send clear and detailed proposals that impress your clients and make them confident in your services.
  • E-Signatures: Built-in e-signature functionality means you can get approvals quickly, without the back-and-forth of physical paperwork.

9. Multi-Property Management

Handle multiple complex projects with ease.

  • Manage Multiple Locations: Keep track of quotes and projects for multiple properties under a single account, streamlining your workflow.
  • Centralized Data: All your data in one place means easier management and better oversight.

10. Proposal to Project Transition

Make the shift from quoting to working simple.

  • Convert Quotes to Projects: Once a quote is approved, easily convert it into a project, setting up tasks and timelines without missing a beat.
  • Integrated Task Management: Assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress all within the same tool.

11. Client Trust and Professionalism

Build trust and enhance your reputation.

  • Clear, Detailed Quotes: Clients appreciate transparency and detail. Show them exactly what they’re getting and for how much.
  • Professional Presentation: A polished, professional quote sets you apart from fly-by-night contractors and builds trust right from the start.

Switching to AK DASH isn’t just about making your life easier — it’s about lifting your entire business by genuinely improving your operational practices. From saving time and reducing errors to presenting a more professional image, the benefits are clear as day.

Where to Next With AK Dash

Creating accurate and professional quote sheets really can make a world of difference in your asphalt contracting business. It saves you time, reduces errors, and presents a polished image to your clients. All these benefits lead to more contracts and higher profits, which lead to what we all want — financial freedom.

So why not try out the Proposal Generator Engine now for free? Discover for yourself how its powerful features can transform your business. Sign up today and see how easy it is to create professional quotes that impress clients and win jobs. With AK DASH, you’ll have all the tools you need to streamline your process, increase your revenue, and build a legacy your family will be proud of. You can do it, and we can help.

Want to find out more about AK Dash’s Features? Click the links below to explore!




Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using online tools for creating quote sheets for asphalt contracting?

Online tools streamline the quoting process, reduce errors, and enhance professionalism. AK DASH, for example, offers automated templates, accurate calculations, and customization options tailored for contractors.

How can I improve the accuracy of my quote sheets for asphalt contracting?

Improving accuracy involves automating calculations and maintaining consistency. Tools like AK DASH's Proposal Generator Engine ensure precision by automating math and providing uniform templates.

Why is it important to have professional-looking quote sheets in asphalt contracting?

Professional-looking quote sheets build client trust and improve your chances of winning contracts. AK DASH allows you to customize templates with your branding, ensuring a polished, professional appearance.

What features should I look for in a quote sheet tool for asphalt contracting?

Look for automation, customization, integration with other tools, and ease of use. AK DASH offers all these features, making it an ideal choice for asphalt contractors.

Can online quote sheet tools integrate with other asphalt contracting business software?

Yes, many online tools integrate with CRM and project management software. AK DASH seamlessly connects with Quickbooks, streamlining your invoicing workflow and keeping all operations in sync.