How to Close Any Asphalt Sale with Professional Proposals | AK Dash

The more experience you get as an asphalt contractor, the more you realize the quality of your work isn't the only thing that can make or break your business. Even the most skilled contractors can lose out on lucrative jobs if their proposals don't have the same professionalism and precision of their work.

That's where a top-notch proposal comes in. A professional, well-crafted proposal not only showcases your expertise but also builds trust with potential clients, paving the way for successful sales.

Putting together a fancy proposal might seem a bit daunting, but with the right approach and tools, it can actually become a manageable and even enjoyable part of your business process. And at the end of the day, it’s the proposals that get you those bigger jobs, so it makes sense to learn how to do it.

Whether you're a seasoned contractor or just starting out, this guide will give you the knowledge and tools needed to close any asphalt sale with absolute confidence. Let’s go!

Why Professional Proposals Matter for Asphalt Jobs

Sure, your work speaks volumes, but how do they know that if you’ve never done work for them before? If it’s a new prospect, it’s the professional presentation that seals the deal. Here’s why having a polished, detailed proposal is crucial:

Building Trust and Credibility

A clear, detailed proposal is like a solid handshake — it shows you're professional, reliable, and transparent. Clients need to know they can trust you with their projects, whether it's a small driveway or a large corporate contract. A well-crafted proposal gives them all the necessary details, leaving no room for misunderstandings.

Staying Organized and Competitive

Using a standardized proposal format helps keep your business organized. It makes sure that all aspects of the job are covered, from the scope of work and material costs to timelines and terms. This level of organization not only helps you stay on track but also outright proves that your business is more professional and competitive.

Avoiding Mistakes and Staying Accurate

A professional proposal template minimizes the risk of errors. By having a consistent format, you can make sure that all critical information is included and accurately presented. This seriously reduces the chances of costly mistakes and helps maintain a high standard of service.

TIP: Following these steps doesn’t just look good to the client — it actually makes your own processes better, improving your business from the inside out. By putting these elements into your proposal process, you can boost your ability to close sales and grow your business consistently.

First Start Here: The CLOSER Framework Adapted for Asphalt Contractors

To close more sales and make more money, using a structured approach like the CLOSER framework can be a game-changer. We adapted Alex Hormozi’s version of the CLOSER Framework to be tailored exactly for asphalt contractors — so before you even start writing your proposal, run through this framework to help you create a thorough and compelling proposal.

Here’s how it works:

The CLOSER Framework






Understand the client's needs and repeat them during the presentation.



Identify and clearly state the client's problem, then highlight it during the presentation.



Discuss past issues and show how your proposal offers a better solution.


Sell the Vacation

Present your solution and clearly show the benefits.



Address any potential concerns and ask if there are any objections.



Summarize the benefits and reinforce their decision to choose your services.

  • C - Clarify Why They Are There
    • Before Writing the Proposal: Start by asking your potential client the right questions. Understand their needs, motivations, and what brought them to you in the first place. This step helps you fully “get” their situation and address their specific requirements.
    • During Presentation: Repeat what you've learned about their needs to show you’ve been listening and that you understand their situation.
  • L - Label the Problem
    • Before Writing the Proposal: Identify and clearly state the problem they are facing. By labeling the problem, you make the client aware of their challenge and position yourself as the expert who can solve it.
    • During Presentation: Highlight the identified problems to remind the client of the issues they need fixed.
  • O - Overview Their Past Pain
    • Before Writing the Proposal: Talk about any past issues or pain points they’ve experienced with similar projects. Highlighting these problems shows empathy and proves that you understand their frustrations and are ready to offer a better solution.
    • During Presentation: Go back to talk about these past pains to emphasize how your proposal offers a better outcome.
  • S - Sell the Vacation
    • Before Writing the Proposal: Show your solution as the ideal fix to their problem. Show how your work will solve their issues and improve their situation in the long term.
    • During Presentation: Present the benefits of your service clearly, making sure the client sees how your solution addresses their needs.
  • E - Explain Away Their Concerns
    • Before Writing the Proposal: Prepare to address any potential objections or concerns the client might have. This shows you are proactive and considerate of their worries.
    • During Presentation: Directly ask if there’s anything stopping them from moving forward and address those concerns on the spot.
  • R - Reinforce Their Decision
    • Before Writing the Proposal: Plan how you will summarize the benefits and positive outcomes of your service.
    • During Presentation: Once they agree, reinforce their decision by summarizing the benefits and positive outcomes they can expect. This final step helps them feel confident and reassured about choosing your services.

Using this framework before and during your proposal presentation covers every aspect of the client’s needs and concerns. This makes your proposal not just a document, but a comprehensive solution personalized to their exact situation.

The Tools You Need for a Presentation That Closes Asphalt Deals

Creating professional proposals might seem like a headache, but with the right tools, it actually becomes a breeze. AK DASH’s Proposal Generator Engine is designed to simplify and speed up the process, making your business look sharp and efficient. Here are some standout features that can help you close asphalt deals:

Ready-Made Templates

Ditch the blank page stress! AK DASH offers a range of customizable templates tailored for different project sizes. Whether you’re doing a quick quote for a residential driveway or a detailed proposal for a corporate parking lot, there's a template ready to make your job easier. Your clients will be impressed by the polished presentation and the speed at which you prepared it, demonstrating that you value their time and business.

Customizable Branding

Make every proposal reflect your company’s style. Easily tweak fonts, colors, and layouts to match your branding. No need for graphic design skills — just a few clicks, and your proposals look professional and unique. Your clients will appreciate the consistency and professionalism of your brand, which builds trust and makes your company stand out.

Multi-Property Management

Have a client with multiple locations? No problem! AK DASH lets you manage multiple properties and contacts within a single account. This saves you time and keeps everything organized, so you can handle complex projects without breaking a sweat. Clients will be impressed by your ability to manage their multiple locations seamlessly, showing that you can handle large and complex projects efficiently.

Automatic Calculations and Scope of Work

Forget about manual calculations and potential errors. AK DASH automatically figures out everything from square footage to total price, including any discounts. You can choose from pre-built scopes of work or customize them quickly, making sure every detail is accurate. Your clients will trust the precision and transparency of your cost breakdowns, reinforcing your credibility and reliability.

Integrating Photos and PASER Assessments

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? AK DASH lets you upload photos and PASER scores from your Pavement Assessments directly into your proposals. This not only showcases your expertise but also helps clients visualize the project, building trust and clarity. Your clients will value the added visual context, which makes the proposal easier to understand and more convincing.

Seamless Sending and E-Signatures

Once your proposal is ready, sending it is a breeze. Preview, download as a PDF, or email a link directly from the Proposal Generator Engine. Get contracts signed quickly with built-in e-signing, removing the need for separate signature software and speeding up the whole process. Clients will appreciate the convenience and speed of receiving and signing your proposals, making the entire process smooth and hassle-free.

At the end of the day, it's about making it as easy as possible for the client to sign on the dotted line. By using these tools in line with the CLOSER framework, you are giving your prospective client every possible signal that you are organized, professional, and efficient — you almost can't help closing deals!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using AK DASH’s Proposal Generator Engine

Now that you understand the importance of a professional proposal and have the tools to create one, let's walk through how to use AK DASH’s Proposal Generator to its fullest potential. This step-by-step guide will help you create a compelling proposal that closes deals effortlessly.

Step 1: Getting Started with the Proposal Generator Engine

Sign Up and Setup:

Sign up for a free trial with AK DASH. The setup process is quick and easy, letting you create proposals almost immediately.

Use the Lead Generation Feature:

Put your prospect's details into the AK DASH Lead Generation feature. This helps keep track of all your leads and makes sure that no potential client falls through the cracks.

Choose a Template:

Pick a template that best suits the project you're working on. AK DASH offers a range of templates for different project sizes and types, so you can find one that meets your needs perfectly.

Step 2: Customizing Your Proposal

Add Company Branding:

Customize the template to reflect your company’s branding. Adjust fonts, colors, and layouts to make sure the proposal looks professional and matches your brand.

Enter Client and Project Details:

Import the client's name and details from the lead generation tool.

Step 3: Detailing the Scope of Work

Scope of Work:

Clearly define the scope of work. Use pre-built scopes or customize them to match the specifics of the project. Make sure all tasks, materials, and timelines are detailed accurately.

Automatic Calculations:

Let the Proposal Generator handle the calculations. It will automatically figure out everything from square footage to total price, including any discounts. This makes sure you have complete accuracy, all while saving you a bunch of time.

Step 4: Enhancing the Proposal with Visuals

Upload Photos and Assessments:

Import photos and PASER Assessments to your proposal from within AK DASH (they’ll already be there automatically from your Pavement Assessment). This visual context helps clients understand the scope and quality of your work, building trust and making your proposal more compelling.

Step 5: Finalizing and Sending the Proposal

Preview and Adjust:

Review the proposal carefully. Make any necessary adjustments to make sure all information is accurate and the proposal looks professional.

Seamless Sending:

Send the proposal to your client with ease. You can preview it, download it as a PDF, or email a link directly from the Proposal Generator Engine.

Step 6: Securing the Deal


Use the built-in e-signature feature to get contracts signed quickly — seal that deal baby!

Where to Next With AK DASH

There’s no question — having the confidence to close any sale starts with a professional proposal. A well-crafted proposal showcases your expertise, builds trust with potential clients, and helps you stand out from the competition. It makes the process smoother, reduces costly mistakes, and ultimately leads to more closed deals and higher profits.

So why not try out AK Dash’s Proposal Generator Engine for free? Discover how it can give you the tools to create polished, detailed proposals that win contracts and boost your confidence in closing any sale. Sign up today and see how easy it is to transform your business — you'll be closing more deals and building a successful business that you and your family can be proud of.

You can do it, and we can help.

Not ready to sign up for AK DASH? Sign up for our FREE weekly Roundtables to chat and learn with asphalt contractors just like you. If you’re serious about leveling up your business, this is the place to be — surrounded by driven pros who are focused on growth and financial success.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can a professional proposal help close more sales?

A professional proposal helps close more sales by showcasing your expertise, building trust with clients, and presenting your services clearly and convincingly. It also makes sure all details are covered, reducing errors and increasing client confidence in your ability to deliver high-quality work.

2. What is the CLOSER framework and how does it help in creating proposals?

The CLOSER framework is a structured approach to creating and presenting proposals, adapted specifically for asphalt contractors. It helps clarify client needs, address their problems, and present your solution effectively, making it easier to close deals.

3. How does AK Dash’s Proposal Generator Engine improve the proposal process?

AK Dash’s Proposal Generator Engine simplifies the proposal process by offering ready-made templates, customizable branding, automatic calculations, and built-in e-signatures. This makes it faster and easier to create professional, detailed proposals that impress clients and close deals.

4. What features should an asphalt contractor look for in a proposal generator tool?

An asphalt contractor should look for features like customizable templates, automatic calculations, multi-property management, photo integration, and e-signatures. These features streamline the proposal process and boost accuracy and professionalism.

5. How do professional proposals impact the profitability of an asphalt contracting business?

Professional proposals improve the profitability of an asphalt contracting business by increasing the likelihood of closing deals, reducing costly mistakes, and building a reputation for reliability and professionalism. This leads to more contracts, higher revenue, and long-term business growth.